Nothing much here really, just some blog posts of just another guy on the Internet.

Monday 16 November 2009

Da Bagelman

Well, I'm just gonna link to my online friend's blog nao. He just made it, no posts yet, and it's just as useless as mine :P

He can have as many interesting and non-interesting posts as me, so check it out!

Wednesday 11 November 2009

More absence

It's me again, and I'm gonna put it straight out there: Ryan Reviews It is dead.

It was another stupid over-ambitious project of mine, and one day perhaps it may become active, I may get a volunteer for it, or I might stop being such a lazy prick.

And this blog is also now officially home to an occasional poster. Basically, don't expect day-to-day posts, long periods of absence should be expected.

Anyways, we've been having the longest spring heat wave in quite a while, its been in mid to high 30's, and although that's not Aussie's max temperature, it's very hot for November.

And in much happier news, my 17th birthday is 9 days away! Not counting, or anything...
EDIT: Or not. I'm actually going to leave that retarded mistake in just to show how fuckin' stupid I can be sometimes. My birthday is actually in about 18 days.

In other news, coffee stealing continues in the Taylor family house. Cody is once again blamed.

Monday 27 July 2009

Ryan Reviews It

Hey nonexistent readers!

Well, I was thinking about creating a new "segment" for this blog, dedicated to reviewing all kinds of things (mostly video games and electronics). But I decided I may get at least one reader if I dedicated a whole seperate blog to it!

So here it is: Ryan Reviews It

In other news, I make a return to Yahoo! Answers after a year or so, and ask my first question yet. I also make a post on the Illogiblog.

Back on the subject of my new blog, I may write my first review in 3 days max. I need to get the design and layout sorted first.

That's all.

Sunday 12 July 2009

End of the world

...or just the school holidays. Same difference!

Well fuck me, the holidays are over already. If I didn't have half a brain I would jump. But I have at least half a brain. I think.

The only upside is that there is no upside.

Also, I need a job. Everyone is complaining because I keep sponging off everyone. I even asked Kayne for money. Well, because Cody is so gullible, I can sponge off him anytime I want.

On an unrelated note, Cody now has to pay for each cup of coffee he drinks.

Saturday 23 May 2009

Today, put simply

  • Made Illogicopedia comeback, wrote an article
  • Took day off school
  • Posted on blog
  • Various socialization